
The mapping configuration uses the nvim name shortcuts as:

  • <C> -> Ctrl
  • <leader> -> Space
  • <A> -> alt
  • <S> -> shift
  • The default mappings are defined here.

Mapping format

  • NvChad uses vim.keymap.set by default, check :h vim.keymap.set for detailed docs.

  • The desc opt is optional. It's only needed for NvCheatsheet to document, First word in desc will be used for group heading.

  • NvCheatsheet groups require at least 2 mappings

local map = vim.keymap.set

map("n", "<leader>ff", "<cmd> Telescope <cr>")

-- multiple modes 
map({ "i", "n" }, "<C-k>", "<Up>", { desc = "Move up" })

-- mapping with a lua function
map("n", "<A-i>", function()
   -- do something
end, { desc = "Terminal toggle floating" })

-- Disable mappings
local nomap = vim.keymap.del

nomap("i", "<C-k>")
nomap("n", "<C-k>")

  • Do know that lsp & gitsigns mappings wont be overrided by the above methods, because they dont load on startup & are lazy loaded. So put the lsp ones in LspAttach autocmd or right after your on_attach