Icons not working

  • Setup a nerdfont as your terminal's default font.

Set highlight groups

  • For that you have to add highlight groups in hl_override ( existing ones which NvChad defines), for new ones, use hl_add.
  • Check theming docs for detailed info.

Customize theme colors

  • Use changed_themes option in chadrc. check theming docs for detailed info.

Custom local base46 themes

  • To make a custom local theme that's the base46 format, you have to create /lua/themes/mytheme.lua. Check base46 docs for more info.

Can I remove base46?

  • No, NvChad hard-depends on base46, just use another config.

Mapping Ctrl + o / i keys

  • In Nvchad <Tab> & <S-Tab> are mapped by default and nvim maps to <C-i> if <Tab> key is mapped. Check

  • To map those keys, you should either disable <Tab> in your custom mappings file or have certain settings in your terminal config, for example: alacritty config :

   - { key: I, mods: Control, chars: "\x1b[105;6u" }
  • NOTE: keymaps in NvChad are case-sensitive, to delete it you need to use lowercase <tab>. Add this to your mappings.lua:
-- Disable mappings
local nomap = vim.keymap.del

nomap("n", "<tab>")

NvChad's color is weird

  • You might be using a terminal that doesn't support true color. This problem is very common for those who use the default MacOS terminal, opt to use iterm2 instead.

Syntax highlighting not working

  • Make sure you have installed the treesitter parser for the language i.e TSInstall lua.

CursorLine not showing

  • We set it to only number by default, to have cursorline highlight shown, add :
vim.o.cursorlineopt = "both"