Setup lsp server

Before starting, it is strongly recommended that you walk through the LSP configuration lspconfig repository.

Then check to make sure your language's LSP server is present there.

  • Plugin table
-- In order to modify the `lspconfig` configuration:
   config = function()
      require "configs.lspconfig"

  • configs/lspconfig.lua
local configs = require("nvchad.configs.lspconfig")

local on_attach = configs.on_attach
local on_init = configs.on_init
local capabilities = configs.capabilities

local lspconfig = require "lspconfig"
local servers = { "html", "cssls", "clangd"}

for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do
  lspconfig[lsp].setup {
    on_init = on_init,
    on_attach = on_attach,
    capabilities = capabilities,

-- Without the loop, you would have to manually set up each LSP 
-- lspconfig.html.setup {
--   on_attach = on_attach,
--   capabilities = capabilities,
-- }
-- lspconfig.cssls.setup {
--   on_attach = on_attach,
--   capabilities = capabilities,
-- }


Run the MasonInstallAll command

Once the binaries are installed, you will have to configure them to properly work with LSP, conform.nvim, nvim-lint, nvim-dap etc. It depends on what you installed. NvChad does not provide any language configuration aside from lua.