If you're new to Neovim/Vim

We strongly encourage you to learn how to use Neovim/Vim. If you are totally new to Vim, then you cannot use NvChad until you gain some basic knowledge about Vim's modes, default editor commands, globals, mappings, etc.

These are highly recommended and a must-do for any new Vimmer:

  • Vim tutor

Learn lua

  • Learning basic lua is highly recommended when configuring the neovim config.
  • It's a really simple & small language; it would barely take 5-10 minutes if you're a programmer.

Nvim lua

  • You should know how to convert vimscript code into lua for your config.
  • Read the official documentation for this.

Read NvChad docs

  • Read the docs in sequence ( follow the arrows below ).