Enhance your Neovim workflow

Blazing fast Neovim config providing solid defaults and a beautiful UI

NvChad screenshot

Fast by default

Blazing fast startup time as plugins, modules are lazy loaded wherever possible.

Beautiful UI

NvChad provides a pretty UI while still embracing the CLI. Our UI plugins are well crafted!

Highly customizable

Default plugins, UI, configuration can easily be extended, disabled or overridden.

Update mechanism

NvChad uses lazy.nvim for package manager, which can be used for updating nvchad too.

Powered by Lua

Configuration is written in Lua which integrates well with the Neovim lua api & lua plugins.

Prettiest themes

68 inbuilt beautifully ported & custom themes! All the theme colors are overridable too.


The config is around 900 ~ LOC. The codebase is kept as clean as possible.

Inbuilt UI Plugins

NvChad manages its own theme plugin and UI components for statusline, bufferline etc.

Ease of Use

NvChad is used as a plugin, on top of which you make your own config!

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SolidJS +


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